MVP in flutter

MVP in flutter

MVP in flutter

MVP Architecture

Models - View - Presenter architecture is an extended version on model - view - controller architecture which is mostly used to design User Interfaces.

In my personal experience MVP is the best design pattern or architecture that you can go for in small scale personal and production projects. I always seen the MVP architecture only been used in native iOS and Android development, but in a framework like flutter which supports and promotes breaking code of and making files as small as possible it's important to have an MVP approach

- Project
    - Android          # already there
    - ios              # already there
    - build            # already there
    - release          # To keep the latest build handy
        - latest.apk
    - assets           # Your typical assets folder
        - fonts
        - images
        - logo
        - JSON/Animation # Lottie .jsons or rive .flrs
    - lib
        - Config         # Config files linke theme.dart and stuff
        - Models         # Various Models
            - DataModels.  # Data models like User model
            - ViewModels.  # View models like provider for a complex animation
        - Service        # Presenter folder
            - API          # handler files for REST API calls
            - firebase.    # handler files for firebase
            - Cache        # handler files for caching data (I prefer hivedb)
            - Global       # Files with global functions and stuff
        - Views          # Various Views
        - Widgets        # Components

Config Folder

This is the so called configs folder containing the configs file. The config files in case of flutter would be files like

  • ThemeConfig.dart
  • Router.dart
  • APISecret.dart

Models Folder

Models folder this is supposed be the Models to be things like user models, response model and things like that. I prefer to put all the providers necessary in here as well

This folder I usually divide into two sub folders:

  • DataModels
  • ViewsModels


This folder is what would include our presenter part of the MVP pattern. This usually contains things like

  • API

    I use chopper for my API calls so all the service files and the generated .chopper.dart files go here separated in diff. folders

  • Firebase

    This contains all firebase related stuff, like any functions talking to firestore / Firebase Storage functions and things like FCM and dynamic links setup

  • Cache

    This contains files that have functions related to caching function, I use hiveDb so I'd generally have a folder called typeAdapters and have all my adapters there

  • Global

    This is a wrapper folder for files containing global functions, like basic string manipulation and stuff


This is pretty self explanatory containing file related to various views / pages of the app


To all web developers this would correspond to the Components folder in your React or Vue app. To others this folder will contain files including reusable widgets

This about it for MVP in flutter I hope this was helpful to you.

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